The ThevoCalm Parkinson’s Relief Mattress is specially designed to provide Parkinson ‘s disease sufferers with a firm yet comfortable and highly effective sleeping surface.
Made with Thomashilfen’s patented MiS Micro-Stimulation® technology, the ThevoCalm’s suspension framework produces miniature counter movements to help ensure a peaceful night’s rest. By relaxing the user’s muscles and diminishing restlessness, the ThevoCalm Parkinson’s Relief Mattress is able to reduce the negative daytime side-effects associated with Parkinson’s, including diurnal sleepiness and lethargy.
The principle behind it is very simple: Integrated wing springs respond to the smallest pressure changes of the body and direct these back nearly unnoticed as micro impulses. Through this body perception and orientation are improved and one reclines more gently peacefully. If you normally wake up often at night, on the therapy mattress you fall asleep again faster. In the morning you are at last able to start your day without stiff joints and pain.
Clinical tests, but also extensive positive feedback from care facilities and ThevoCalm users confirm the effectiveness of the concept: The patients sleep better through the night and suffer less from the symptoms of their diseases. “Undesirable effects” do not occur – quite in contrast to the numerous accompanying symptoms that the otherwise necessary medication sleep therapies bring with them.